duduk di tepi


Sitting on the edge of the most intimate to share it with people you have just met, culturally crossing the unknown through the trust of friendship, of family; to whom, after whispering a sincere secret in the ear, remains calm.

Spontaneous collective collaboration project from the Indonesian-Suriname Colonial Borders: Felicia's Story. The personal reading of it and our re-reading from other nationalities-experiences. Possibilities of the shared story. How to live everyday in a country that has your own skin but not your language? Reconstruct Indonesia in first person from the scraps of your grandmother and grandfather's memories. What does kissing with a new language imply, what constitutes me and what narrates differently?

  • Publication of hand-bound books.

    38 poems by 24 authors in languages: Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Kutai, Bahasa Dayak, Spanish and English.

    Poetry illustration by Martin Frljic (Bosnia BSBI 2018 in Yogyakarta).

  • Photographic exhibition at Tamam Ismail Marzuki (Jakarta): “They invaded us, we know it” about the Indonesian-Suriname colonization with Felicia J. Soekartinie and the photographer Ye Min Htun (Burma).

  • Trailer: traditional sampeq musician Achmad Fauzi (director Olah Guabang Folk Music), professional dancers Hariyansa Kundjung (choreographer director of Gubang Art community) and Widi Kusumawardhani; producer Bikinpilm Tenggarong.